Travel English旅遊英文 2 : The Best Chocolate con Churros in Spain 西班牙最棒的吉拿棒
The Best Chocolate con Churros in Spain
Adapted from July 7, 2017 by Living Language
This sweet Spanish treat, churros and sweet hot chocolate for dipping, brings me back childhood memories of Sunday afternoons spent at La Churrería. Some like it for breakfast, and let’s be honest is not the healthiest meal, but neither is bacon and fried eggs!
*OS劇場:這不就是”台灣的油條+豆漿”嗎? 當地人通常是拿吉拿棒沾熱巧克力醬或者咖啡吃‧熱巧克力口感類似紅豆餅內的奶油醬….所以大家千萬別直接喝阿….
Chocolate con churros is very popular in street festivals, Sunday morning breakfast and meriendas (meal that takes place between lunch and dinner around 5pm) and you can get them for 3 or 4 Euros.
*OS劇場: 最適合三五好友坐在戶外邊八卦邊吃吉拿棒沾熱巧克力‧怎麼說呢? 西班牙最受歡迎的運動就是八卦了,這八卦也不是幾分鐘可以聊得完…
Chocolate con churros is also a favorite snack for all-nighters, after a night of dancing and wandering around, young people walk into a Churrería and order a portion of 6 churros and hot chocolate. Some like to add cream on top of it, and the hot chocolate becomes a “suizo” – swiss.
吉拿棒沾熱巧克力套餐也是夜貓子的最愛,經過一夜的跳舞和鬼混,年輕人通常都會走進了Churrería 甜點店,點上6條吉拿棒跟熱巧克力。 有些人喜歡在吉拿棒上添加奶油,熱巧克力這樣就變成了一個“suizo” - 瑞士巧克力醬了‧
*OS劇場: 千萬別以為六條很少‧小編吃了兩條就飽到撐‧因為一條約有女生手臂這麼長….
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- dipping浸漬/沾
- breakfast 早餐
- the healthiest meal 最健康的飲食
- bacon 培根 (不是我們美而美那種火腿)
- festival 節日/慶典
- takes place 發生
- between A與B之間
- snack 甜點
- all-nighters 夜貓子(出來鬼混的人)
- order 點(餐)
- add 加
- on top of it 在…上
*若大家有機會去馬德里,千萬別錯過靠近地鐵太陽門 SOL的這家百年老店(約走5分鐘)
Chocolateria San Ginés
地址:Pasadizo de San Gines, 5 28013 Madrid