
Travel English旅遊英文 1 : Visit Amsterdam, the Netherlands阿姆斯特丹


Visit Amsterdam, the Netherlands



Best Time To Visit (最佳觀光時間)

July and August are popular—and busy. If you want to see the tulips, come mid-April to early May. You’ll find better deals and quieter crowds October to March, with the exception of New Year’s Eve. This is a unique and riotous celebration in Amsterdam, and well worth experiencing.

7月和8月是受歡迎和忙碌的月份。如果你想看到鬱金香,請四月中旬到五月初來。 每年10月至3月,除新年除夕外您會發現有更優惠的方案和較少的觀光人潮。 這是阿姆斯特丹獨一無二的喧鬧慶祝活動,值得您來體驗。

OS劇場: 荷蘭航空


Amsterdam Transportation (阿姆斯特丹交通)

Amsterdam is compact, so walking or renting bikes to make use of the great bike lanes is easy. Yet public transport (trams, metros, and buses) also is excellent. Buy a chip card at a ticket vending machine or counter, or ask the driver for a tourist pass (there are one- to seven-day cards starting at $8).

阿姆斯特丹是地小人稠的大城市,所以可好好利用腳踏車道來散步或騎出租腳踏車。 然而搭公共交通運輸(電車,地鐵和巴士)也很棒。可在售票機或櫃檯購買交通卡,或者跟司機買旅遊通行證(七日票的票價約從美金8元起跳)。

OS劇場: 驚嚇到荷蘭人的友善‧講英文也通喔,因為他們的英文好得嚇嚇叫‧

Amsterdam Weather (阿姆斯特丹天氣)

August is the hottest month, with an average high of 63°F (17°C), and the coldest is January, with an average high of 37°F (2.7°C).


OS劇場: 小編當時七月中路過此地,快被冷到變冰棒‧所以怕冷的觀眾們,請務必帶上防雨夾克&圍巾‧

Know Before Visiting (觀光前須知)

Some attractions (especially the Van Gogh Museum and Anne Frank House) get very busy, especially in summer, so booking a ticket and time to visit in advance. The city is generally safe, but pickpockets operate widely; be careful on the tram and at the market.

有一些景點(特別是梵高博物館和安妮·弗蘭克之家)人潮很多,尤其是在夏天,所以請先預訂門票和預約時間。 這個城市一般都很安全,但是有很多扒手; 在電車上和逛市場時請小心。

OS劇場: 小編因為沒有先預訂門票,所以安妮·弗蘭克之家大約排隊3小時才排到‧梵高博物館約排了2.5小時‧所以千萬千萬先預訂好再去參觀‧


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  1. Popular受歡迎
  2. the tulips  鬱金香
  3. better deals 更優惠的方案/交易
  4. unique 獨特
  5. celebration 慶祝
  6. renting bikes  出租腳踏車
  7. bike lanes 腳踏車車道
  8. public transport 公共交通運輸
  9. a ticket vending machine  售票機
  10. a tourist pass  旅遊通行證
  11. average 平均
  12. attraction 景點
  13. in advance 預先
  14. pickpockets 扒手
  15. be careful 小心
  16. tram 電車 (路上走的那種喔)


荷蘭是充滿小鮮肉的國度,觀眾們…. 千萬別錯過 (錯過啥… )

錯過被腳踏車撞到錯過吃大麻蛋糕..看看紅燈女孩們 (別說我教的)

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