
News English 新聞英文6: 荔枝可以一口接一口吃嗎?

Dangerous Fruit: Mystery of Deadly Outbreaks in India Is Solved


(from New York Times, Jan. 30, 2017)

Every year in mid-May, as temperatures reached scorching heights, parents took children who had been healthy the night before to the hospital. The children awakened with a high-pitch cry in the early morning, many parents said.

每年五月中旬,隨著溫度達到高峰,父母帶著前晚還健康的孩子們急奔醫院。 許多父母說,孩子早上醒來時居然莫名大聲哭叫。


Then the youths began having seizures and slipping into comas. In about 40 percent of cases, they died.

然後這些小孩們開始癲癇發作並陷入昏迷狀態。 約有百分之四十的死亡病例。(不會吧!.只不過是吃個楊貴妃代言的荔枝而已)


Every year in July, with the arrival of monsoon rains, the outbreak ended as suddenly as it began. Beginning in 1995, investigations variously ascribed the phenomenon to heat stroke; to infections carried by rats, bats or sand flies; or to pesticides used in the region’s ubiquitous lychee orchards. But there were few signposts for investigators. Instead of occurring in clusters, the illness typically struck only one child in a village, often leaving even siblings unaffected.

每年七月,隨著風雨交加的季風到來,疫情突然結束了。 1995年開始,各種各樣的調查把此疫情現象歸咎於心臟病; 老鼠、蝙蝠或沙蠅攜帶來的感染; 或是該地區廣布的荔枝果園所使用的農藥。 但調查人員發現了一些蛛絲馬跡。這種疾病通常在村莊中只有一個孩子感染,甚至連其兄弟姐妹都沒有受到傳染,而不是集體感染。 (詭異比扯鈴還扯 )


By early 2015, C.D.C. laboratories had developed a test to measure hypoglycin in urine. They found extraordinary abnormalities in the affected children. “The folks in the genetic labs said ‘We haven’t seen anything like this,’ ” Dr. Srikantiah said. “This was clearly abnormal.”

2015年初,C.D.C. 實驗室針對此事件病人的尿液進行次甘氨酸(hypoglycin)含量的驗證。他們在感染小孩們的尿液中發現特殊的異常現象。〔遺傳實驗室的工作人員說:「Srikantiah博士說,我們從沒見過類似現象。」〕 「這顯然是不正常的。」 (快說是怎麼一回事怕怕)


The investigators asked participants if they would be comfortable issuing recommendations based on their findings: that young children in the affected areas be encouraged to always eat an evening meal, and that consumption of lychees should be limited.



Abstracted from

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  1. Temperature: 溫度
  2. seizure: 癲癇
  3. coma: 昏迷
  4. investigation: 調查
  5. ascribe to: 歸咎於
  6. phenomenon: 現象
  7. infection: 感染
  8. pesticide: 農藥
  9. ubiquitous: 無處不在的
  10. measure: 測量
  11. abnormality: 異常
  12. recommendation: 建議
  13. consumption: 消費
  14. limited: 受限制的


洋芋片,爆米花不健康!...改換吃荔枝好了,多汁可口又健康! 人客阿 ...一口接一口邊吃荔枝邊看電影是不行的阿電影還沒演完你就可能送醫院了

(是真的! 許多南亞孩子因為吃到未熟透的荔枝而身體不適,甚至死亡。)





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